Report a Claim
To Report a Claim…
Contact your local independent Agent to report a claim you have incurred.
For after-hours emergency claim reporting (your backup in case you need help at a time your agent can’t be reached), call 800-622-5230 and select “1” when prompted.
Auto Glass needing repair or replacement? Just call Glass Express 888-2NORTHSTAR or 888-266-7847.
North Star Mutual takes the hassles out of auto repair claims:
Only one estimate required
Pick the body shop of your choice
For Roadside Assistance (Towing) reimbursement claim click here.
What do I do after an accident or loss?
What to do after a motor vehicle accident
Be sure the local authorities are contacted.
Acquire the names, addresses, and phone numbers of all persons in the other vehicle.
Note the make, model, color, license plate number, and state of registration of other vehicle(s).
Ascertain the other parties’ Insurance Company name, policy number, agent, and phone number.
Do not admit responsibility, nor sign any statement except for the Company Claim Representative.
Do not disclose your policy limits to anyone.
List the date, time, place of accident, responding police department, and if any tickets were issued and to whom.
Obtain names, addresses, and phone numbers of all witnesses.
Report the claim immediately to your agent.
What to do after a property loss
Take appropriate steps to protect the property from further damage.
Report the loss to your agent.
Report any burglary or theft to the police.
Save all receipts for any temporary repairs that you make.
What to do after a liability loss
Do not admit responsibility, nor sign any statement except for the Company Claim Representative.
Do not disclose your policy limits to anyone.
List the date, time, and place of accident.
Obtain names, addresses, and phone numbers of all witnesses.
Report the claim immediately to your agent.
To see answers to other frequently asked claims questions, visit Claims FAQ.